Monday, June 6, 2011

Not dead!

I'm still here! Mostly =P It's been a crazy, tough, wonderful, hectic, stressful, exhausting couple of weeks. Lots of good things have been going on, but one not so good thing is that I'm losing my day job at the end of the month; oddly enough work has been more hectic since finding this out, not less. So by the time I get home at night, thinking about sitting at a computer is not the most appealing option. And I was tempted to just skip this whole last month and pick up again now that my schedule has some breathing room. But my most dedicated reader (my mom ;) didn't approve of that plan, so I will try to post the images I've taken over the last month. I can't promise there will be 50 individual posts; probably more like a week's worth at a time. And if you're out there, please leave comments! It really makes my day =)

Also, just to prove I haven't been slacking during this radio silence, here's a photo my hubby took of me in action during out recent trip to North Carolina (that's the spot where the Wright Brothers' 4th attempt landed). And as personal penance, I'm posting it even though apparently I unflatteringly bite my lip while shooting. Who knew!

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